Women's Equality Day
Q: Did SUAVS being female founded influence your decision to work with us?
Jon (Head of Operations): I met Monxi back in February and had a few conversations with her about SUAVS. In those conversations I saw that she was a savvy entrepreneur and a good person. Definitely happy to work for a strong female leader!
Cindy (Operations): 100%. I believe it's important for more women to follow their dreams and not be afraid of starting their own business. The fact that SUAVS is female founded encourages me and others to also strive for more.
Stephanie (Head of Customer Experience): I love the fact that SUAVS is female-founded, and feel proud of working here, but what really influenced my decision to work here is the great working environment.
Q: The team is 90% female, how is that different from past jobs you've had?
Jon (Head of Operations): Many jobs from my past were frankly dominated by a nauseating toxic masculinity. I think the world at large is awakening and obviously benefitting from female leadership. Suavs is a savvy, scrappy, hard working group that I’m proud to be a part of.
Cindy (Operations): It is quite different. It may sound silly, but it is safe to say that here, our opinion and thoughts matter and are taken into consideration. I worked in the automotive industry, and female engineers are not taken seriously.
Stephanie (Head of Customer Experience): I am used to working mostly with women, but having men in the team also makes the environment feel cool.
Q: What do you appreciate the most about working in a female founded company?
Cindy (Operations):
Finding a role model to look up to. Not being afraid of trying something new and going "against" the current.
Stephanie (Head of Customer Experience): I love the fact that this company is female-founded and actually makes me feel proud of working here. We always support each other to keep on going and growing both personally and professionally.
Q: What are your dreams and goals for your future?
Jon (Head of Operations): One of my goals with Suavs on a professional level is to learn from Monxi’s entrepreneurial experience. And better myself from learning from and working with her and the rest of our largely female team! 🙂
Cindy (Operations): Continued personal and professional growth within the company, helping it grow while enjoying my job.
Stephanie (Head of Customer Experience): I'm a mom of two, and I'm always looking for ways to improve my personal and professional skills. Always going from one workshop to the other, as my husband says -I´m never still. I also feel free and allow life to take me where I should go, always giving my best wherever I am.
Q: The secret sauce to your work?
Jon (Head of Operations): The secret sauce to my work is to both focus on important data driven business metrics and down to earth human aspects of work. Nobody wants to work for an impersonal corporation, being only a cog in the wheel or a number on a chart. And everyone wants to do meaningful work that provides an excellent product and/or service.
Cindy (Operations): Looking at things from different perspectives. Taking each challenge and thinking outside the box. Finding areas of improvement. A great team. Love for my job.
Stephanie (Head of Customer Experience): Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
It would be miserable if we didn't enjoy what we do. So that's my only secret. I love what I do!
Monxi answered some questions for us about what advice she'd give female entrepreneurs worldwide:
- More and more, and thanks to all the strong women throughout history who have stood up for our rights, we are able to find a helping hand for women business owners. There are a large variety of grants and loan options available specifically to women owned businesses and to help fund female entrepreneurs. There are also private funds that are set up by and for women, and investors looking to fund women owned businesses and startups specifically.
- Thanks to the advantages of the online era, there are now less hoops a woman has to pass through in order to start and run their own business. It is easier than ever to set up your own business, operate and grow it all online. And there are so many online resources, tools, podcasts, books, networking and support groups, and even online courses.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help or guidance. It’s also easier than ever to connect with other entrepreneurs who’ve gone through something similar. Consider finding a mentor you can meet with over coffee or even on monthly video calls. There’s always something to learn from others and there’s always someone who can answer some of our doubts and questions.
- My final piece of advice for female entrepreneurs is to never underestimate yourself. You are capable of doing anything you set your mind to, as long as you plan carefully and have clear, short term and long term goals.
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